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How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business on Autopilot

how to use pinterest to grow your business


If you’re new to the online business world, you may be thinking how can a platform that is full of recipes and home decor inspo help to grow your business? But hear me out. Did you know that last month alone there were 433 million active users on Pinterest? And that number is continuing to grow!

In this episode, I’m showing you how to use Pinterest to grow your business on autopilot, and how to get started.

Psst..did you know you can focus your services as a virtual assistant on Pinterest alone? Read all about that in this blog post HERE.

How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business on Autopilot

The biggest difference between Pinterest and other platforms is that Pinterest is an outreach platform. That means that it’s easy to get in front of new people. Because Pinterest is used as a search engine by the majority of its users, your ideal avatar is actually looking for you!

The other reason that Pinterest is completely different than other platforms is that it’s used as a search engine. When you go to Pinterest, you usually type in what you’re looking for. And if you find a solution, you will likely take action immediately.

How to Get Started with Pinterest

  1. Set up a business profile. Be sure to claim your website and social media handles!
  2. Create boards that encompass all the topics that you plan to create content around. You’ll want to use keywords here. More on that below!
  3. Create 5-7 Pinterest templates in Canva with your branding.
  4. Start pinning!

I love to use Tailwind for Static Pins because it’s super easy to batch and schedule things to multiple boards.

Use Keywords in Your Pins

A keyword is a word or phrase that your ideal customer would type into the search bar of Pinterest. You want to work these into your content naturally.

Tips to find keywords on Pinterest:

  1. Login to the backend of Pinterest, and at the top click on trends. This will show you exactly what people are currently searching for. 
  2. Go to your home feed where you would typically scroll, and type in what your content is about. For instance, if you type in breakfast recipe, you might see “easy breakfast”, “fast breakfast”, “keto-friendly breakfast” and more. This shows you related keywords people are also searching for. If your content falls into any of those categories, then you’ll want to work those into your titles and descriptions.
  3. Use a third-party platform like Keywords Everywhere to do even more in-depth keyword research!

Static Pins Versus Idea Pins

An Idea Pin can be multiple slides or a short video. They appear in the top bubble of the Pinterest app just like the Instagram app.

But the difference is that you can’t interact with them unless you are clicking on a product tag. As of right now, there are no links. You can however, pin these Idea Pins to your Pinterest board.

Static Pins are what you are used to seeing and have a link that can take you to a place that creates a solution for your user’s problem.

This could look like a product, a blog post, a recipe, a webinar, a free download, the list goes on and on!

This might sound intimidating but I PROMISE you, it’s worth the time investment. We grow our email list EVERY SINGLE DAY because we took the time to create content and invest in getting that content onto Pinterest up front.

If you’re interested in outsourcing your Pinterest strategy, CLICK HERE. We can schedule a call to do a free Pinterest audit of your account, and get you started on a stellar Pinterest strategy!

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