In the ever-changing world of influencer marketing, having the right tools is like finding the perfect pair of jeans – it can make ALL the difference. If you’re anything like us, always on the lookout for the most efficient, revenue-boosting platforms, say hello to LTK.
Can I let you in on a little secret? I had no idea what a virtual assistant was until I became one! Yep, it’s true. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2020, when I first started my online business that I discovered the true magic of being a virtual assistant. I had heard of general terms before, but the whole concept sounded elusive and a little far-fetched if you ask me. It’s funny, because to this day one of my most asked questions is, so what is a virtual assistant? What do you actually do as a virtual assistant?
Can I let you in on a little secret? I had no idea what a virtual assistant was until I became one! Yep, it’s true. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2020, when I first started my online business that I discovered the true magic of being a virtual assistant. I had heard of general terms before, but the whole concept sounded elusive and a little far-fetched if you ask me. It’s funny, because to this day one of my most asked questions is, so what is a virtual assistant? What do you actually do as a virtual assistant?
In our 2021 year-in-review blog post, we talked about how The Notoire Media House got super clear with who we serve and niched down to assist bloggers and content creators. The influencer industry has exploded over the last several years. Because of this, there are endless opportunities for a virtual assistant (VA) to serve this blossoming industry. So today I break down what a virtual assistant does to help a blogger.