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How to Use LTK Like a PRO + Our top tips for growing!

In the ever-changing world of influencer marketing, having the right tools is like finding the perfect pair of jeans – it can make ALL the difference. If you’re anything like us, always on the lookout for the most efficient, revenue-boosting platforms, say hello to LTK.


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What is a Virtual Assistant + Why It’s Magic

Can I let you in on a little secret? I had no idea what a virtual assistant was until I became one! Yep, it’s true. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2020, when I first started my online business that I discovered the true magic of being a virtual assistant. I had heard of general terms before, but the whole concept sounded elusive and a little far-fetched if you ask me. It’s funny, because to this day one of my most asked questions is, so what is a virtual assistant? What do you actually do as a virtual assistant?

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Can I let you in on a little secret? I had no idea what a virtual assistant was until I became one! Yep, it’s true. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2020, when I first started my online business that I discovered the true magic of being a virtual assistant. I had heard of general terms before, but the whole concept sounded elusive and a little far-fetched if you ask me. It’s funny, because to this day one of my most asked questions is, so what is a virtual assistant? What do you actually do as a virtual assistant?


What is a Virtual Assistant + Why It’s Magic

If you’ve stumbled across this post, then you likely realize that blogging isn’t dead. In fact, blogging has turned into a world within itself, now referred to as the influencer space. But being an influencer is a lot more than snapping a mirror selfie and telling the people on Instagram where you bought your top. There is a strategy and focus that goes on behind the scenes. Not to mention, the need for constant content creation is very time-consuming. This is exactly why many influencers are in need of help on a regular basis! If you’ve ever wanted to walk alongside an influencer, but not have to get in front of a camera, then this post is for you. I’m teaching you how to become a virtual assistant to the biggest bloggers!


Become a Virtual Assistant To The Biggest Bloggers

When it comes to being a Virtual Assistant, you’ll quickly realize that there are a ton of different tools out there and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what is effective. Not to mention, worth your time and money. In the beginning stages of your business, you won’t likely have an abundance of time and definitely not money. Speaking from personal experience, my goal was to get my business up and running for as little money as possible. However, I did recognize the value in a few key virtual assistant tools that were worth the investment. Now, it’s a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things! Here at The Notoire Media House, we want to get you to generate full-time income as fast as possible. The thought of a thirty-dollar paid plan subscription, to help aid your business, shouldn’t cause you to bat an eye. Plus, this will help you avoid credit cards and going into debt in order to start your business!


3 Tools You Need To Be a Virtual Assistant

Pop in those earbuds, grab your iced coffee and get ready to deep dive into online business strategy with our founder, Amanda Rush Holmes

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