Creating a Business Strategy and Working on Mindset
Sunshinekelly Moore is the CEO and Founder of Virtual Fitness Technology, also known as Fit Tech. Fit Tech is the hub for virtual fitness instructors to learn about tech, equipment, sales, and marketing to successfully launch their online businesses. In today’s episode, Sunshinekelly discusses her road from brick-and-mortar fitness owner to an online virtual fitness business. Plus her advice to new entrepreneurs, creating a business strategy and working on mindset.
In addition to her online fitness business, she’s also the host of The Fit Tech podcast.
Sunshinekelly started her fitness instructor career owning a brick-and-mortar studio called, Sunshine Fitness Company. The studio made it halfway through the pandemic, and Sunshinekelly realized she needed to pivot and move everything online.
In the meantime, she also created a variety of courses, including Confidence on Camera, mini-courses, and her signature course – How to Successfully Launch Your Business.
Fit Tech Plans for the Second Half of the Year
From January to July, Sunshinekelly committed to nurturing the business, and not making hard offers for her course. She explains that it’s important to connect with your audience and get the name of your product out to the public first. That way you actually have someone to sell your offer to.
The second half of the year is going to focus on making those offers, while still building those lead generation pieces. The podcast will focus on the mini-course. Finally, January is when they’ll officially launch the signature course, How to Develop Your Virtual Studio.
Determining Paid Offers Versus Free Offers
Sunshinekelly picked up the theme idea from Emily Hirsh of Hirsh Marketing. She joined Emily’s program where she’s learning how to do paid Facebook ads. Sunshine chose the themes based on the pillars of her Confidence on Camera course.
Sunshinekelly put out different parts of the pillars on the podcast, and looked at the analytics of each of them. The tech pillar analytics were sky-high. So she knew that many people were interested in that subject and needed guidance in that area. With that information, she suggests structuring your paid offers around subjects that your community is most interested in.
Paid Ads for Your Business
When many people hear the phrase “paid ads”, they immediately think something negative. But when you think about paid ads strategically, most brands use those ad dollars for paid advertising on Facebook, Instagram, or other social platforms. That’s where your people are, so why not put ad dollars toward something that will get you a return on investment? And most consumers aren’t searching for your business, so that’s why you have to put it in front of them in some way.
If you’re going to be in business, you have to learn how to sell. But you can sell by serving. Part of that serving is paying for advertising to get your word out about your business that’s doing something for the better.
Advice to a New Entrepreneur on Creating a Business Strategy
Sunshinekelly explains that there’s no right answer for advice to a new entrepreneur. However, her personal advice is to first create a marketing strategy written out on paper. You should write how and why you’re doing the business and then the strategy. But she also thinks entrepreneurship is such an unknown territory if you’ve never been in it. Connecting with other entrepreneurs who have experience with it, who can help guide you and help you feel less alone, is so important.
As an entrepreneur, you question yourself all the time. But you have to show up every day not knowing what the result will be.
Working on Mindset as an Entrepreneur
Sunshinekelly says she uses the thought model to manage her mindset. And so much of it is around thought management. You have to start with a fact. Then, you would think about how that fact makes you feel. And then what is the result of that feeling? Finally, you have to alter that emotion with intention. And at the end of the day, our minds are the creator of our business. You have to train your mind the same way you have to train for a marathon and be able to feed into that.
Setting Boundaries as an Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to set those hard boundaries, so you can also show up as a mom, wife, yourself, and all the other roles you have outside of your business.
Depending on what stage of life you’re in, you have to be able to say no to some things, so that you can say yes to others. And just because you have to say no now because you just don’t have the time, doesn’t mean it has to be a no forever.
Part Two – Episode 29 with Sunshinekelly Moore
Episode 29 is part two of my conversation with Sunshine Kelly. But this time, the roles are reversed, and she’s asking me questions about balancing life and an online business. Plus I’m sharing something that I haven’t told anyone before!
Lead Generation Pieces and Creating a Business Strategy Behind Them
The two main lead generation pieces that the Notoire Media House uses are the Bold Business Podcast and our SEO-optimized blog posts. Podcasts are a popular platform for the Notoire Media House audience to consume content. And the target audience is typically a group of high-performers who want to consume content when they have a free moment.
The second lead generation piece is long-from, SEO-optimized blog posts. The Notoire Media House partnered with Influencer SEO. They help determine what words and phrases specifically should be included in each post that’s going to help rank in search engines with regard to the topic.
There are also two tools that are helpful and free to help you optimize your content. The first one is a plugin on WordPress called Yoast SEO. This plugin gives you tips on how to optimize each blog post so that it has the best chance of ranking in search engines. Another great tool for SEO optimization is Keywords Everywhere. This is an extension you can download on Chrome.
Managing Risk in Business and Working on Your Mindset with that Risk
Sunshine asked me how I manage risk in business. And I have to say I’m pretty risk-averse. But also like to invest in my business to learn and grow.
I think about how much the investment is going to cost me, and ask myself, “Would I be OK if I lost that money?”
Last year, I invested almost $10,000 for one course. I knew that this program had information that I didn’t know. And that’s the first piece that’s really important – that I was going to learn valuable information. And two, do I trust the person who is running this course to teach me how to get the result that I want? And finally, do I trust myself to get that result?
A lot of times it’s up to us to make the investment work. You have to ask yourself if you have the time to pour into this investment. How am I going to implement the things that I learn from this investment?
Then, you have to evaluate what’s the worst-case scenario for this investment. Maybe you don’t make the profit that you wished you had. But did you gain more knowledge than you had before? It’s evaluating what you’re hoping to get out of something.
With that course, I made the money back in 60 days and ended up being well worth the investment.
A Tidbit About Amanda That No One Knows
Sunshine asked me what’s something that no one knows about me? One of them is that my coffee habit is so committed that I rotate between the two Starbucks near my house. That way, they don’t realize how much I’m actually going, haha. The employees know my voice on the intercom and what my order is – at BOTH places. 🙂
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